Sagyndykov Zharkynbek Zhumabaevich

Chairman of the Management Board

A banker with 19 years of experience, including more than 17 years in senior positions and over 10 years on the Management Board of major banks.

He has two graduate degrees:
The Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Faculty: Faculty of Natural Science and Technology (diploma with honors). The Osh University of Technology, Faculty of Economics (diploma with honors).
Zharkynbek Zhumabaevich Sagyndykov started his working career in 2005 as a trainee in the foreign exchange department; then he transferred to the microcredit department of the “Commercial Bank “Kyrgyzstan” OJSC under the “Micro and Small Finance” program of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and in two years he became the Head of the Micro and Small Finance Sector of the Branch.

Then he worked as Deputy Director of the Branch of the “UniCredit Bank” OJSC from June 2008 to August 2011 and, Head of the Lending Department of the “Bakai Bank” OJSC from October 2011 to August 2013.

Since September 2013, he has worked for the “Commercial Bank “Kyrgyzstan” OJSC, starting from the Head of the Lending Department, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, to the Chairman of the Management Board, which he headed until March 2023.

Since June 2023, he has been the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the “Bai-Tushum” Bank OJSC and since June 2024 he has been the Chairman of the Board of the “Bai-Tushum” Bank OJSC.

He has a “CAP” Certified Accounting Practitioner international certificate and a certificate from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Micro and Small Finance Program.

For many years of conscientious and fruitful work on developing the banking system, he was awarded a “Letter of Gratitude” and a “Certificate of Honor” from the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan.


Shamkeev Ulanbek Anarbekovich

First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee

Ulanbek Anarbekovich Shamkeev has more than 30 years of experience in managerial positions in the banking sector. He graduated from the Kyrgyz State University, received a diploma with honors from the accounting and economic faculty in 1993 and the law faculty in 1996.
Ulanbek Shamkeev started his career as a leading specialist of the department of currency lending and trade operations of the bank “AKB Kyrgyzstan”. Then ten worked in management positions in various banks. During the period when he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of “AKB Kyrgyzstan”, he headed the project for the implementation of the Micro and Small Financing Program of the EBRD. As the first deputy chairman of the board of OJSC RSK Bank, Ulanbek Shamkeev actively participated in the implementation of all state lending programs, including programs in agriculture, energy and industry (FSH, FEIP, FSP). He also worked closely with regulatory bodies and other financial institutions.
Ulanbek Shamkeev headed the Boards of Directors of OJSC “AKB Kyrgyzstan” and OJSC “Kuntuu”. He was also a long-time member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Legal Persons, the Association of Users of Credit Information. Ulanbek has received training and certification in various areas, including the organization and operation of the securities market, Islamic banking according to the Sharia standards of AAOIFI, and combating the financing of terrorist activities and money laundering.
In June 2023, Ulanbek Anarbekovich Shamkeev was appointed to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank “Bay-Tushum”.

Kanivets Sergey Vladimirovich

Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee

Sergey Kanivets has more than 25 years of experience in information technology, information security, risk management and more than twenty years in automation and modernization of business processes of the banking sector and banking processing system development.

In 2000 he graduated from I. Razzakova Kyrgyz State Technical University with a degree in “Computer complexes, systems and networks”.

Sergey Kanivets started his career from a trainee to an IT manager at the National Bank of the KR, participated in the development and implementation of various automated systems for the needs of the NBKR and the banking system of the country. Sergey Kanivets made a significant contribution to the construction of information security, information banking systems as IT director/director of information security at CJSC “Kyrgyz Investment Bank”, OJSC “FinanceCreditBank”, in JSC “Tsesnabank” (Astana, Kazakhstan). In CJSC “Interbank Processing Center of the KR” (IPC KR) under the direction of Sergey Kanivets, a management risk management system, information security, a project of mobile application Elcart Mobile were developed.

Sergey Kanivets received additional training and certification in the following areas: information security management system, risk management, IT management and audit of information systems, bank card-based payment systems, general management and project management.


Ramazanov Vasip Dadavovich

Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee

Vasip Ramazanov is a seasoned professional with more than 15 years of work experience in the banking sector, of which 10 years were spent in senior management positions. His education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the American University of Central Asia, which he earned in 2011, and an MBA, which he completed in 2013.

He started his career at Demir Kyrgyz International Bank CJSC as a specialist in retail banking. During his work in the bank, he rose to senior manager, successfully implementing projects in the fields of investments and lending to large corporate clients.

Besides, Vasip Ramazanov has worked at “Alfa Telecom” (Mega) CJSC, where he was in charge of VIP and corporate management, which strengthened his competencies in key account management.

A significant part of his career was spent at “EcoIslamicBank” CJSC, where he served as a Member of the Management Board for 5 years. His efforts contributed to the development of Islamic Banking in Kyrgyzstan. Vasip’s expertise in this field is confirmed by numerous certificates in Sharia standards (AAOIFI).

At “Commercial Bank Kyrgyzstan” OJSC (MBANK), Vasip Ramazanov headed business development, being responsible for strategic development, optimization of partnership relations, and promotion of new products.

In December 2024, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of                   “Bai-Tushum” Bank OJSC, which was a new stage in his successful career.

Beishenaliev Akmatkazy Aiypovich

Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee

Beishenaliev Akmatkazy Aiypovich is an experienced banking executive with over 20 years of expertise in leading financial institutions in Kyrgyzstan.

He graduated from the Zh. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University in 1995 with a degree in Accounting and Economics. Throughout his professional career, he has undergone international training programs covering risk management, strategic development, customer relations, and financial analysis.

He began his banking career in 2002 at AKB “Kyrgyzstan,” where he worked in the credit department. Later, he held leadership positions at banks such as “Zalkar Bank,” “Bereket Bank,” OJSC “RSK Bank,” and “Keremet Bank.” He managed branches in Bishkek, Chuy, and Jalal-Abad regions, demonstrating high efficiency in management, branch network development, and the implementation of new banking products.

Since October 2024, he has been appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Bai Tushum Bank, where he is responsible for optimizing banking processes and expanding the customer base.