Bai Tushum Bank awarded the winners of “ Happy Summer Purchases” campaign

Bai-Tushum Bank has summed up the results of the three-month campaign “Happy Summer Purchases” and awarded the winners who were actively using the Visa card for purchasing goods and services.
15 bank clients became the owners of the plasma TV sets, reflex cameras, tablets and smartphones. The campaign conditions were simple: it was enough to have any Bai-Tushum Visa Card, make purchases and pay with card.
Congratulations to the winners and we are inviting to participate in other exciting campaigns of the Bank. We remind, that exclusive deposit campaign will continue until December 15, 2016.This means that only in 2 months our clients may become the owner of the main present – a new apartment in Bishkek, car and trip to Dubai for two persons! In addition, each client who opens a “Bai-Tushum Campaign” deposit receives a guaranteed gift – certificate for the purchase of home appliances up to 4000 soms.