Bai-Tushum Bank congratulated retirees with the International Day of Older Persons

October 1 is globally celebrated as the International Day of Older Persons, which unites everyone concerned with the future of elderly people, who need support and help.
To celebrate this holiday, Bai-Tushum Bank has traditionally organized a charity event all over the country, covering more than 500 people.
The Bank provided packages with food to single retired people, honored retirees, assisted care facilities and retirement homesю. The Bank together with the members of state authorities supported activities devoted to the International Day of Older Persons in Naryn and Talas oblasts.
Bank’s Head Office staff prepared “tasty presents” and visited the old people in order to express gratitude and respect, and to congratulate them with such a revered holiday.
It should be noted that Bai-Tushum Bank provides assistance on a regular basis to the needy, who don’t receive sufficient support from the state and other institutions. Over the past 5 years, the Bank has provided charity assistance and sponsorship to children and orphan homes, World War II veterans and disabled people, as well as successfully financed 7 projects with social significance that promote the development of economic and social infrastructure in the regions for a total amount of more than KGS 11 mln.