Bai-Tushum Bank finances Innovations to Agriculture training in Israel for its clients

From October 28 to November 4 the five clients of Bai-Tushum Bank have completed training in Israel under “Innovations in agriculture– Israeli technology” program at the Galilee International Management Institute.
In the course of the training the participants familiarized themselves with innovations in agriculture, irrigation technology, visited agricultural research stations, fruits processing and packaging enterprises, as well as greenhouses that have implemented drip irrigation.
Nurgul Torobaeva, Deputy General Manager, points out: “The Bank invests all its efforts to provide its support to, and ensure the development of entrepreneurship by offering its clients not only financing and quality banking services, but also a business platform to exchange information, share experience and implement advanced technology. Such training is a unique opportunity to enhance the capacity of Kyrgyz producers in the area of crop production, horticulture, livestock breeding, which will help them to expand the access to domestic and regional markets. I would like to emphasize that currently the Bank has commenced the financing of drip irrigation under energy efficient projects in conjunction with innovative initiative KyrSEFF (EBRD, EU). In the implementation of such projects, our partner KyrSEEF (EBRD, EU) provides consultative assistance and grants in the amount up to 20% of loan principal for legal entities and up to 35% for individuals after they implement the activities aimed at ensuring energy efficiency”.
“These were very busy 8 days, when we had a chance to discover, see and learn a lot of things. The methods of organizing greenhouse business in Israel are justifiably referred to as the future technology. It was especially interesting to learn about the experience of Israeli farmers with drip irrigation and fertigation method, which implies the supply of dissolved minerals necessary for plant with irrigation water. If we succeed in introducing these novelties at our farms it will not only significantly reduce the volume of water necessary for irrigation, but will also result in a really impressive increase of yield, – shares his impression Azatbek Kazakbaev, client of Bai-Tushum Bank.