How to start saving? To Plan a family budget or 10 effective ways to save money

How to start saving? To Plan a family budget or 10 effective ways to save money.
Everyone faced the problem of lack of money. Many of us borrow “before the salary” at friends, relatives and colleagues. There is no way to get out of this cycle? Of course there is! You just need to learn how to save, then the debts will go to the past, and the house will have a brand new TV, a smartphone and plans for a trip as a bonus. But how to save money if you still cannot get out of debt?
Here you are 10 ways that really work.
- First, start a a have notebook or file in Excel.
- Fix there everything: the received salary, bonuses, any other incomes.
- Daily record all your expenses: payment of utilities, Internet, purchase of food, clothes, shoes, transportation costs, medicines, study expenses, etc. In general, everything that you spend money on.
- Always prepare the list of necessary purchases when you go to the market or to the store.
- Do not buy food for future use, or more than necessary.
- Do not satisfy each “Wish list” of your children.
- At the end of the month, analyze how much money you could save, but spent on impulsive purchases, children’s “Wish list” and other unnecessary things.
- To analyze what expenses you can refuse.
- Next month, immediately after receiving your salary, put aside the amount that you could save in the last month. Remember, this amount should be at least 20% of family income. Question: why do not keep this money at home? Just simply because there is a great temptation to spend saving. With a deposit, you are unlikely to withdraw money without special need, because early termination of the contract with the bank leads to a loss of earned interest. In addition, it is much more profitable to keep savings in a bank. All because of the same interest ?
- And the most important issue is discipline. If you decide to implement your financial goal, keep a record every day, save and save up on deposit.
A little effort and time – your financial plans are surely will be implemented!
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