How do nonfinancial components influence on increase of savings?

Together with IFC, AUCA and IU “Ala-Too”, the bank launched a new project, which is designed to answer this question and help ordinary people learn how to make savings and achieve their goals. ?
Mubara Jamalova, the head of the business development division of our bank, explained this in more detail:
“Within the framework of the project, individual work is carried out with everyone who asked the bank for advice. We help to set financial goals and determine the methods for achieving them. We tell the project participants about informal savings, deposits, and how to master the habit of saving, following a clear plan. We also show in practice how to remotely replenish a deposit with the help of a payment terminal, e-wallet or Internet banking”.
In April, the participants will learn how to set financial goals, make a savings plan, and determine the time frame for achieving the goals.
In the course of the project, which will last for 4 months, the students of AUCA and IU “Ala-Too” will note the progress of participants’ knowledge in the matter of saving and achieving financial goals ?