Do not miss the opportunity to participate in children drawing contest within the “Global Money Week — 2018”

Within the framework of the 7th Global money week, a national drawing contest was announced, traditionally sponsored by Bai-Tushum Bank. The contest is held by the initiative group for the Global Money Week-2018 in the Kyrgyz Republic under the leadership of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic; the Institute for Development Policy and the Bai-Tushum Bank are the organizers.
This year the contest is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the national currency.
We invite children between the ages of 7 and 17 to take an active part and receive money prizes.
Drawings are accepted until March 11, 17:00 at the address: 108, Umetalieva street, Bishkek (office of the Institute for Development Policy) or in any of the offices of Bai-Tushum Bank .The addresses of the offices can be found at:
The contest is held to raise the financial literacy level and attract the attention of children and youth to the need to learn how to manage money, set goals and develop financial plans for the future.
For inquiries, call:
- 0(312) 97-65-30 (31,32,33,34) office of Institute of development policy,
- 0(312) 90-58-05 Bai Tushum Bank
Положение о проведении национального конкурса рисунков (GMW-2018)