“Summer School of Banker is one of the strategic steps of the bank to create a highly professional team”.

We are pleased with the selected students and the results of the school. A total of 200 CVs were submitted to the school, only 20 participants were selected. Next year we plan to launch the School of Banker in February or March and not only in Bishkek, but also in the Southern region. I understand that the result of our trainings will not be visible immediately, but only a couple of months after the end of the School, but we hope that the participants will eventually become highly qualified specialists. And we have no restrictions on employment. If all of the participants in the School eventually meet all the necessary requirements, show their skills in the work after the end of the School, we are ready to hire them.
At the end of the theoretical course, the participants will have an exam, then a two-week practice. Then we will interview and then we will be able to identify those who will inter with the bank and later be hired to our bank.
The participants’ motivation is very high. About 90% of young specialists wish to work in Bai-Tushum Bank. The remaining 10% came to receive the useful skills. All the trainers noted that the group is very strong.
The School of banker is a project we hope for and believe that we will help new bankers to get good knowledge and find a job”.
© ️ Karasheva Gulnura – Head of Personnel Development Department of Bai-Tushum Bank.