Our colleagues from Naryn branch won the 1st place in the interbank mini-football tournament

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Kyrgyz som and the coming Day of the bank employee, the Naryn Department of the National Bank of the KR organized an extraordinary mini-football tournament.
The team of the Naryn branch of our bank took part in it with pleasure and … became the winner! ?
- This is especially gratifying, given that initially the “bai-tushumers” were in a group where they were considered outsiders.
- Our guys lost the first game to the favorite of the tournament – Dos-Kredobank team, losing 2:3.
- The second game was won by the current champions – the team of Bakai Bank, with a score of 5:3.
- And the third match turned out to be completely unexpected: “Bai-Tushum” defeated the KICB with a score of 3:0.
- In the semi-finals our Naryn branch met with the team of the bank “Kyrgyzstan”. The game was dramatic, and the ticket to the final of the tournament had to be played on a penalty. As a result, our team reached the final with a score of 3:2.
In the finals, another favorite of the tournament waited for us – the team “Mol Bulak Finance”, and only persistent struggle and mutual assistance of our football players helped them to become the first: 5:3. ?
We would like to distinguish Anvarbekov Kalys, who became the best player of the tournament.
This is how Naryn branch of “Bai-Tushum” for the first time became the champion of the inter-bank regional tournament. We hope that this is only the beginning of football victories! ⚽