Results of the National drawing contest “Money matters matter – 2018”

On March 15, 2018 in Bishkek, the Contest committee summarized the final results of the drawing contest among students of educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic at the ages from 7 to 17, held from February 8 to March 12, 2018
In total 984 drawings from all regions of Kyrgyzstan were received, which were considered by the Contest committee composed of representatives of the National Bank of the KR, the Academy of Arts, Balajan Republican Educational and Methodological Center for Aesthetic Education and the Institute for Development Policy.
Due to the fact that on March 14, 300 more drawings were received from children from Talas and Naryn oblasts, which was only due to technical reasons, the Organizers took decision to increase the prize fund for 1st place in each age category, which was financed by the Institute for development policy.
Thus according to the decision of the Contest Committee, the following winners of the national drawing contest were defined:
Group “Children from 7 to 10 years old”:
- 1 place – Eshmanbetov Iskander, student of school #29, 2A grade
- 2 place – Kovalyeva Anastacia, student of school #24
- 3 place – Tuitenov Ruslan, school #28
- 3 stimulatory place – Bolotbekova Aiperi, school “Bilim-Ordo”, 3D grade
Group “Children from 11 to 14 years old”
- 1 place – Dinayim Kalyk, school #5
- 2 place – Feruleva Ulyana, school #24
- 3 place – Kostenko Anastasia, 11 years old
- 3 stimulatory place – Almaz uulu Alai, school #7, 6B grade
Group “Children from 15 to 17 years old”
- 1 place – Morozov Georgy, school #13
- 2 place – Derevenko Anastasia, school #70, 16 years old
- 3 place – Kadyrkulova Adelya, Talas, 15 years old
- 3 stimulatory place – Zamirbek uulu Dastan, school #5 named after Jakypov
The National Drawing Contest “Money matters matter” was organized by the members of the Global Money Week (GMW) 2018 Initiative Group in Kyrgyzstan – the Institute for Development Policy and Bai-Tushum Bank.
In 2018 the contest was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the national currency and is held to raise the financial literacy and attract the attention of children and youth to the necessity to learn how to manage money, set goals and develop financial plans for the future. Bai-Tushum Bank CJSC and the Institute for Development Policy, sponsoring the contest, award winners with money certificates for each age category:
- First place – certificate for opening a deposit in “Bai Tushum” bank for the amount of 6,000 som,
- Second place – certificate for opening a deposit in “Bai Tushum” Bank for the amount of 4,000 som,
- Third place – certificate for opening a deposit in “Bai Tushum” bank for the amount of 2,500 som,
- Third stimulatory place – certificate of the Institute for development policy for the amount of 2,000 som.
Global Money Week is an annual international campaign the purpose of which is to draw public attention to financial education and financial literacy of children and youth. In 2018, the Global Money Week will be held from March 12 to 18. The topic of the week in 2018 is “Money matters matter”.