Банк “Бай-Тушум” проводит Всемирный день сбережений

On October 31 Kyrgyzstan will celebrate the World Savings Day. The World Savings Day was established on October 31, 1924. The decades of celebration turned this day into an annual tradition with vivid events and campaigns aimed at savings promotion.
In advance of the holiday, from October 28 to October 30 Bai-Tushum Bank in conjunction with the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation holds the financial literacy days at the Central Office of Bishkek branch located at 119 Abdrakhmanova str. (crossing Bokonbaeva str.).
Such campaign in the Kyrgyz Republic is supervised by the National Bank. Understanding the importance and significance of financial literacy among the population, and taking into account the experience accumulated in this sphere, Bai-Tushum Bank became one of the banks actively engaged in campaign implementation.
“Bai-Tushum Bank provides its active support to the projects and activities, which contain the aspects of economic education, development of entrepreneurial skills among people. We are confident that the efforts in this area will help our citizens to change their attitude to money, and will promote the enhanced financial independence and safety”, – emphasizes Gulnara Shamshieva, the General Manager of Bai-Tushum Bank.
These days the Bank’s staff provides consultations to clients on planning family budget, arranging savings and wise borrowing. In addition, until December 31 the Bank offers to its clients the special “Anniversary” deposits with the favorable interest rate of up to 17.5% and “Instant Income” deposits with the immediate payment of interest following deposit placement.
Pleasant presents await the clients, while minion will be entertaining our little guests.