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18.06.2018 / News

Bai-Tushum Bank takes part in the “I am a friend of SOS Children’s Villages” charity event

Last Saturday, on June 2 Bai-Tushum Bank took part in the “I am a friend of SOS” charity event. The event was organized by the SOS Children’s Villages and the Soccer Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic (SFKR). The children’s holiday engaged Kyrgyz stage celebrities and Sambat dance group, who not only congratulated the kids, but

04.06.2018 / News

Банк “Бай-Тушум” принял участие в благотворительном мероприятии “Я – друг SOS детские деревни”

В минувшую субботу, 2 июня Банк “Бай-Тушум” принял участие в благотворительном мероприятии “Я – друг SOS”. Организаторами мероприятия  выступили SOS Детская Деревня и Федерация Футбола Кыргызской Республики ( ФФКР).  Детский праздник прошел с участием звезд кыргызской эстрады и танцевальной группы “Сымбат” которые не только поздравили детишек, но и выступили с яркими концертными номерами.

13.03.2018 / News

“Bai-Tushum” Bank and first children’s hospice invite everyone to celebrate Nooruz together!

On March 18, from 11:00 to 18:00, a grand affair will be held for you. The charity fair, holiday concert as well as exciting games and delicious treats are waiting for you. In addition to this; on March 17 at 19:00 we invite you to participate in the ancient ceremony of cooking sumolok – the

22.02.2018 / News

The Bank in partnership with “Mobilnik” company has launched an e-wallet for legal entities

Not only legal entities, but now companies also can use the e-wallet. Now companies can pay for various services, transfer money to bank accounts of partners or counterparties, and also accept payments on their “Mobilnik Dengi” wallet. Please note that legal entities can register wallets only on the website.

02.02.2018 / News

VISA cards using recommendations during the XXIII Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

As we approach the XXIII Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, which will be held from 9 to 25 February 2018 in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea, we remind you that security measures should be taken into account in order to avoid unauthorized charges and other fraudulent activities with your VISA cards.

28.07.2017 / News

We remind you that you can pay for loan from the bank “Bai-Tushum” through the terminals “Mobilnik”!

Dear friends, and we kindly remind you that you can pay for loan from the bank “Bai-Tushum” through the terminals “Mobilnik”!

28.02.2017 / News

Repay loans through Mobilnik terminals

Do you know that in Bai-Tushum bank in order to repay loan you don’t have to come to the bank each month? You can use any Mobilnik terminal to make your repayment.

27.09.2016 / News

Changes in bank’s loan tariffs

Dear clients, please be informed that from September 27, 2016 changes were made in Bank’s tariffs in section “Loan provision”. You can take a look at Bank’s tariffs in our offices or on official website In case of any questions, you can contact our Call center: (0312) 905 805

28.07.2016 / News

What to do if extra money was withdrawn from your card

Bank cards are slowly pushing cash aside because it is more convenient to use a card. But what to do if your money disappeared from your card?

18.07.2016 / News

Подарите себе отпуск, проведя 5 незабываемых дней в Дубае!

Наш партнер Kyrgyz Concept предлагает тур с вылетом из Бишкека от 31 960 сомов ($475). А если средств в данный момент не хватает, всегда можно воспользоваться рассрочкой от банка «Бай-Тушум». В стоимость тура включены: ✔ Авиаперелет Бишкек – Дубай – Бишкек ✔ Трансфер аэропорт – отель – аэропорт ✔ Проживание в отеле (4 ночи) ✔

04.04.2016 / News

Эксклюзивное предложение для настоящих фанатов!

Горящий футбольный тур в Барселону от нашего партера Kyrgyz Concept! Забронируйте билеты прямо сейчас и станьте очевидцем матча Барселона-Валенсия 17 апреля 2016 года. Стоимость путешествия: 60 725 сомов ($844). При оплате в рассрочку через Банк Бай Тушум, предоставляется скидка в $50. Даты поездки: с 15 по 19 апреля 2016 года (4 ночи/5 дней) В стоимость тура входят:

15.03.2016 / News

General assembly of shareholders of the Bai Tushum Bank

Hereby the CJSC Bank “Bai Tushum” is notifying that General assembly of shareholders of the Bank will be held on March 25, 2016 at 9 a.m. General assembly of shareholders will take place in Head office of the Bank at the following address: 76 Umetalieva str, Bishkek. Registration will start on March 25, 2016 at

04.01.2016 /

Salary project

“Elcart” payment system is the widest ATM network around Kyrgyzstan.  Advantages of the salary project from Bai Tushum Bank for organizations: Decreasing expenses, connected to giving out salaries to personnel owing to saving financial means on cash operations implementation, keeping and transporting cash, cutting expenses for collection; Decreasing the load on accounting and cash services;

08.12.2015 / News

Информация по интернет-банкингу

Уважаемые клиенты, Рады сообщить, что система «Интернет Банкинг» успешно функционирует. Если Вы пользуетесь данной услугой, пожалуйста  подойдите в  офис Банка для перевыпуска пин-конверта. Адреса и телефоны офисов Вы можете найти по этой ссылке По всем вопросам Вы можете обратиться в офис Банка и по телефону: (312) 905 805.

06.08.2015 / News

Instant money transfers to the VISA cards issued by Bai-Tushum Bank!

Dear clients! We are happy to announce the launch of a new service – money transfers to VISA cards within ANELIK money transfer system. Under VISA Direct project, the Bank provides services for the replenishment of VISA payment cards issued by Bai-Tushum Bank with cash in Russian Rubles, US Dollars and Euro at any ANELIK

15.11.2013 / News

Our mail goal – the trust of clients

Our main goal is confidence of our customers A year passed since the arrival of a new bank in the banking market of Kyrgyzstan. On November 13, 2012, Bai – Tushum and Partners Microfinance Company became the first microfinance organization in Central Asia that received a full banking license from the National Bank of the

23.10.2013 /


“Zolotaya Corona” money transferring system is an opportunity of conducting instantaneous money transfers to Russia, and CIS countries very quickly, beneficially, and without opening an account. Main advantages: Speed: remittance may be received after a couple of seconds it has been sent. Remittance currency: rubles, dollars, euro. Convenience: it is enough to know country and

23.10.2013 /


CONTACT – первая российская система денежных переводов, работающая на рынке с 1999 года. Оператором системы CONTACT является ООО НКО «Рапида». C помощью системы CONTACT в офисах  Банка “Бай-Тушум” можно быстро и недорого отправить денежные переводы по упрощенной процедуре, без открытия счета: по всему миру – Кыргызстан, Россия, страны ближнего и дальнего зарубежья – всего свыше 170