Bai-Tushum Bank receives Recognition Certificate for its participation in Borrow Wisely! international financial literacy campaign

On November 5-6 the city of Prague (Czech Republic) hosted the 18th annual conference of the Microfinance Center titled Employment, Youth and Investments: What can Microfinance do?
Gulnara Shamshieva, General Manager of Bai-Tushum Bank, took an active part in the conference activities, where the participants discussed the relevant issues of nowadays’ microfinance in the context of economic, political and social turbulence, international experience and possible response to crisis.
In the official ceremony Bai-Tushum Bank was awarded the Recognition Certificate for its engagement in Borrow Wisely! international financial literacy campaign.
To recap, in 2014 the Bank in conjunction with the Microfinance Center (MFC) and 11 more microfinance organizations implemented the international financial literacy campaign, which took place in 9 European and Central Asian countries. The purpose of the campaign is to enhance the financial literacy among clients.
“In order to cultivate a financially literate generation of clients, it is necessary to inculcate the skills of family budget management and wise borrowing at all interaction levels, that is why we are planning to continue and to expand the financial literacy program by applying the Bank’s lessons learned and international experience gathered by the Microfinance Center. We are confident that the efforts in this area will promote the increased trust of population in banks, transparency of business and strengthening of long-term relations with clients, – points out Gulnara Shamshieva, General Manager of Bai-Tushum Bank.
Microfinance Center (MFC) – located in Poland, has commenced its operation in late 1997. It unites 105 microfinance institutions from Europe and Central Asia. As part of its activities, it implements various programs aimed at the strengthening of microfinance member institutions’ capacity. MFC members include banks, non-government institutions, social and commercial investors, development agencies and international private voluntary organizations.